Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Stop smoking

Do you want your loved ones to quit smoking, your dad, mom, girl friend, boy friend, friends and relatives to kick the butt and stay smoke free? How helpful are you in helping them change their habit? Are you supportive enough or are you the kind who knows only how to complain and ridicule the smokers? If so it’s a high time you lend a helping hand and change your “holier than thou” attitude. Time and again we keep on pointing our fingers at smokers and even ridicule them when they say they are about to quit. Non-smokers always have this attitude that they are clean and that they totally hate smokers and consider them to be some kind of disease spreaders. Do you think that a smoker doesn’t want to quit smoking? I doubt there would be any smoker who doesn’t want to quit, they all wanna quit, and it’s just that they are not strong enough to try on their own. That’s the reason why they need your love and support more than anything else.

Since the addiction of nicotine is much harder to kick than heroin, cocaine and alcohol, smokers often fail in their attempt to quit smoking. Nicotine works in the brain by activating dopamine which is a neurotransmitter and is responsible for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Therefore when people begin to depend on nicotine, it controls them; it affects their behavior and moods. The addictive nature of Nicotine is that it is a stimulant and also a depressant.

Therefore, if a smoker finds it difficult to quit, do not laugh at him/her instead understand their situation and give a shoulder to lean on. You don’t need to do much just believe in them, become their activity partner, give them your trust, motivate and cheer them up when they are on the brink of giving up. You can help your loved ones to quit by being supportive and by lending an ear and listening to whatever they have to share. The most important thing is accept them as they are, encourage them but never force them to quit smoking.

You may also give presents like nicotine replacement products and medicines to make their quitting easier. If you go for the medicines, chantix by Pfizer which is also known as champix in European countries is the best choice. It has been used by many people and is giving quite remarkable results. Due to its effectiveness thousands of smokers are able to quit smoking.

Chantix is not a nicotine replacement nor is addictive, it is a prescription medicine approved by FDA for the treatment of anti-smoking in adults. It works in the brain by undoing whatever nicotine had done. It also diminishes the taste of cigarette i.e. even if a smoker smokes after taking chantix he doesn’t feel the same taste or pleasure he used to feel before. Further, it remarkably cuts down the cravings or the urge to have cigarette.

So if you want your loved ones to quit smoking change your attitude and buy chantix for them. You will remember this great act of yours with fond memories in days to come. Isn’t it overwhelming to know that because of you somebody could quit their bad habit? Your loved ones will be thankful to you through out their life for saving them from preventive death.


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